In this tutorial, we demonstrate basic use of the SpikeInference
First we load the package:
#> Loading required package: SpikeInference
We first use the simulate_ar1
function to simulate from an AR(1) model for calcium imaging data according to \[Y_t = c_t + \epsilon_t, \epsilon_t \sim N(0, \sigma^2), \; t = 1,\ldots, T,\] where \[c_t = \gamma c_{t-1} + z_t, z_t\geq 0, \; t = 2,\ldots, T.\] If \(z_t>0\), then there is a spike at the \(t\)th timestep. We denote the locations of true spikes, \(\{t:z_t> 0\}\), as \(\{\tau_1,\ldots, \tau_K\}\).
In the figure below, we display one such simulation \(y_1,\ldots,y_{1,000}\) (gray dots), with \(T=1,000, \sigma = 0.1, \gamma = 0.98, z_t \overset{i.i.d.}{\sim}\text{Poisson}(0.01)\). The true calcium concentration and true spikes are displayed in green lines and vertical bars, respectively.
gam <- 0.98
sigma <- 0.3
T_length <- 1000
curr_sim <- simulate_ar1(n = T_length, gam = gam, poisMean = 0.01, sd = sigma, seed = 2)
In the code below, we call the spike_estimates
function to estimate spikes using the \(\ell_0\)-penalized problem with tuning parameter \(\lambda=4\). The estimated calcium, \(\hat{c_t}\), and the set of estimated spikes, \(\{\hat{\tau}_1,\ldots, \hat{\tau}_{\hat{K}}\}\), are displayed in blue lines and vertical bars, respectively.
LAMBDA <- 0.7
fit_spike <- spike_estimates(dat = curr_sim$fl, decay_rate = gam,
tuning_parameter = LAMBDA,
functional_pruning_out = FALSE)
The fit_spike
object now contains spike fit information, and the estimated spike times can be accessed using the summary
fit_summary <- summary(fit_spike)
#> spikes
#> 1 95
#> 2 237
#> 3 369
#> 4 463
#> 5 503
#> 6 515
Importantly, the first five estimated spike locations are printed below.
#> [1] 95 237 369 463 503
In this section, we demonstrate how to use our software to obtain \(p\)-values and confidence intervals for estimated spikes with 2 different window sizes (\(h=1\) and \(h=10\)); for ease of display, we will only consider the first five estimated spikes.
Recall that for a given \(\hat\tau_j\), the \(p\)-value for testing the null hypothesis \(H_0: \nu^\top c = 0\) can be expressed as \[\mathbb{P}\left(\phi \geq \nu^\top y \;\middle|\; \phi \in \mathcal{S}\cap(0,\infty)\right),\] where \(\mathcal{S}\) is the set of perturbations \(\phi\) that leads to an estimated spike at \(\hat\tau_j\).
The code below demonstrates how to use the function spike_inference
, which estimates spikes and performs inference on the estimated spikes for input data. After performing inference, we can use the summary
method to get result summaries (in the form of a data frame) of the outputs given by spike_inference
h <- 1
inference_spike_toy_example_h_1 <- spike_inference(dat = curr_sim$fl, decay_rate = gam,
tuning_parameter = LAMBDA, window_size = h,
sig2 = sigma*sigma,
return_conditioning_sets = FALSE,return_ci = TRUE)
h_1_summary <- summary(inference_spike_toy_example_h_1)
estimated_spikes | pvals | LCB | UCB |
95 | 0.0502840 | -0.2054604 | 1.718220 |
237 | 0.3250973 | -1.3097010 | 1.244250 |
369 | 0.0122021 | 0.1744081 | 1.980777 |
463 | 0.0285364 | -0.0326266 | 1.767183 |
503 | 0.0648997 | -0.2931876 | 1.663233 |
515 | 0.0041533 | 0.3526278 | 2.056635 |
h <- 10
inference_spike_toy_example_h_10 <- spike_inference(dat = curr_sim$fl, decay_rate = gam,
tuning_parameter = LAMBDA, window_size = h,
sig2 = sigma*sigma,
return_conditioning_sets = FALSE,return_ci = TRUE)
h_10_summary <- summary(inference_spike_toy_example_h_10)
estimated_spikes | pvals | LCB | UCB |
95 | 0.0e+00 | 0.6245171 | 1.149908 |
237 | 6.6e-06 | 0.6072524 | 1.191240 |
369 | 0.0e+00 | 0.8515320 | 1.375928 |
463 | 0.0e+00 | 0.8101850 | 1.337582 |
503 | 0.0e+00 | 0.7885913 | 1.313689 |
515 | 3.5e-06 | 0.4963485 | 1.038701 |
We see drastically smaller \(p\)-values for the five estimated spikes. Since each of the five estimated locations correspond to a true underlying spike, this demonstrates that larger \(h\) leads to higher power empirically.
We also provide a plot method for output by spike_inference
. By default, it plots the estimated spikes associated with a positive change in fluorescence in orange ticks, and the subset with a p-value less than 0.05 in blue ticks.
plot(inference_spike_toy_example_h_10, alpha=0.05)
In addition to the aforementioned key functions, the package also includes the following helper functions: construct_v
and estimate_spike_by_firing_rate
The function construct_v
generates the contrast vector \(\nu\) for the null hypothesis \(H_0:\nu^\top c = 0\). We will demonstrate below that \(\nu^\top c\) is indeed the change in calcium in the neighborhood of a given spike \(\hat\tau_j\). We consider the case where there is no spike, i.e., the calcium is decaying exponentially, and we would expect \(\nu^\top c=0\). In the example below, we set \(c_1 = 3\), \(c_t = 0.98 c_{t-1}, \; t=2,\ldots, 50\), \(\hat\tau_j = 20\), and \(h=5\).
gam <- 0.98
T_length <- 50
calcium <- rep(3 * gam ^(0:(T_length - 1)))
thj <- 20
h <- 5
v <- construct_v(length(calcium), thj, h, gam)
#> [1] -7.771561e-16
We see that \(\nu^\top c\) indeed evaluates to 0, up to machine precision.
We have taken \(\lambda\) to be known in this tutorial. Choosing an appropriate \(\lambda\) value is critical to the quality of estimated spikes. The function estimate_spike_by_firing_rate
allows us to specify a target firing rate, and then to find the value of \(\lambda\) that yields a number of estimated spikes that is close to that target firing rate.
In the example below, we simulate from an AR-1 model with firing rate 0.05, i.e., we expect to have 5 spikes per 100 timesteps on average.
gam <- 0.98
T_length <- 1000
firing_rate <- 0.05
target_rate <- 0.05
sigma <- 0.1
curr_sim <- simulate_ar1(n = T_length, gam = gam, poisMean = firing_rate,
sd = sigma, seed = 1)
lam_max = 5
lam_max = 1
iter_fit_spike <- estimate_spike_by_firing_rate(curr_sim,
decay_rate = gam, target_firing_rate = target_rate,
lam_min = 1e-7, lam_max = lam_max, max_iters=10,
The number of true spikes in the simulation is 48 (note: we expect to see 50 spikes on average).
We ran estimate_spike_by_firing_rate
with a target firing rate of 0.05, and so we expect to obtain around 1000*0.05=50 estimated spikes. By chance, on this example, the function resulted in a value of \(\lambda\) that gave us 48 estimated spikes.